Room 1 -Study Introduction &
What is TOD ?
This study team has been developing land use, community character, multimodal connectivity, and opportunities for redevelopment to inform the location of stations and refine the alignment of the Silver Line. We also worked with community members and staff from partner municipalities as part of the community workshops in July 2021 to develop ideas for potential infrastructure needed to support TOD, as well as the character and intensity of development around the station areas. The board to the right further summarizes the study purpose, schedule, anticipated outcome, as well as the overall LYNX Silver Line project delivery process.
For a deeper dive into station area planning, visit recordings of our ULI panel discussions from May 2021. The City partnered with ULI to host a panel discussion with national experts on Setting the Stage for TOD in Small and Big Cities and Equitable TOD: Building Equity as Part of Transit & TOD
Watch our 2-minute TOD 101 video to learn more about TOD and station area planning.
What is TOD?
Transit-oriented development, or TOD, is the creation of vibrant, livable, and sustainable communities along transit corridors by leveraging transit investments. The four key elements of TOD include:
Creating engaging public spaces
Planning for a mixture of uses with the appropriate design and densities
Making sure places are connected by a multimodal network
Creating equitable TOD
Review the summary board here to learn more!